You can Prevent Stormwater Pollution

Every resident and business owner in the borough can participate in the MS4 program. Here are some important ways you can prevent stormwater pollution

  • Recycle motor oil at any auto parts store.
  • Wash your car on a pervious surface (like gravel). Or better yet, bring it to a car wash that recycles and treats water.
  • Seed and mulch bare ground within 14 days after removing vegetative cover.
  • Save plastic grocery bags and use them to scoop the poop from your pooch. Flushing pet waste is advised over leaving it on the ground.
  • Have your septic system inspected every 3 years and pumped as necessary.
  • Fertilize only in the fall. Use slow-release or organic fertilizers to help grass grow new roots and store nutrients for next year’s growth.
  • If you have a pond, make its shore a no-mow zone.